While sitting around this winter with some of Lake Vermilion's best fishing guides, I asked them about the biggest fish ever taken out of the lake. Are there records kept anywhere? No one knew of any formal list - just stories told and retold. So I decided to start keeping better records for all to share.
If you have a big fish story, please share it with us. If you have a picture to document the catch, send it along and we'll put it up too.
They all agreed on these being close to the largest:

Small Mouth Bass
13 lbs
6 1/2 lb - 22"
1 1/2 lb - 14"

(photo compliments of Jerry Pfremmer)

Jerry has found the big ones on the lake - so big he has to pull them out with his snowmobile. Ask Jerry how he does it - just don't tell him I told you. Let's keep it our secret. ;<)
If you have a big fish to tell us about (including a picture if you have one),
send it to bigfish@lakevermilion.com and we'll post it here!

Here's a couple!!

Ron Gurak
Brenda S from Clearwater, MN
Paul Pollock from Tower, MN
Daniel V. from Rochester, MN
Todd M while at Daisy Bay Resort
Jack Colonnetta from Dallas, TX
Shauna V from Rochester, MN
Larry Clines from Cook, MN
Dylan Kasseth from Ham Lake, MN
Brad Brant
Gary Antonich from St. Francis, MN
Terry Kinnamon from Naples, FL
Thomas Kasseth from Ham Lake, MN
Brad and Alex Schmoll from Cedar, MN
Mark Murphy from Fargo N.D.
Ryan Stadler from Colorado
Brian Crook from Bondurant, Iowa
Larry Head from Cook, MN. 1975 AWARD WINNER!
Mark and Linda Baumeister from Lake Vermilion,
Tyler Anderson from Cedar, MN
More fish from Mark and Linda Baumeister from
Nick Peterson from Ely, MN
Ron Gurak
Brad Edwards from Maplewood, MN
Mike Ihrke from Prior Lake, MN
Terry Lamb from Cambridge City, Indiana

Jeff Wagner
Cindy Mathias, Pekin, IL
Jeff Kreml from Independence, MN
Jon Constantine from Fredericksburg, VA (formally of
Virginia, MN)

Clayton Stover
Jonah Switzer from Lafayette, IN
Bryce Hudack
Andy Trucano
Sarah O Connor
Bob Tekautz
Liam Carrol from Washington, D.C.
Joshua Jackson
Dan K.
Terru Benters
Paige Duehr from East Dubuque, Il
Joey McPike from New Palestine, IN
John Williams from Pomona, Kansas
Roberta McGonigle and Tom Clifford of Spring Hill, KS
Ken (Giovanni Krusmark's roommates father)
Dustin Anderson from Tenstrike, MN
The Bug